Your Signature Presence

You make impactful change and bring people together. And with a broadened emotional intelligence you can amplify your signature presence and align more meaningful and deeper relationships that inspire progress, collaboration, and forward movement.

The way you show up


Common benefits

  • Improved personal and professional relationships
  • Ability to build capacity and resilience
  • A deeper engagement and understating of others
  • Tolerance and reduced reactivity
  • More defined and fine-tuned personal mission and vision
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased self-awareness/authenticity
  • Enhanced personal satisfaction and fulfillment

What is your Signature Presence?

We act in habitual patterns that determine the way that we view, experience, and respond to our surroundings; This determines how others engage with us. In fact, the way you show up determines everything; from our ability to self-determination, to every single interaction in businesses, teams, with customers, in society–all and every human system. The bottom line is people interacting with other people. Your signature presence is the intersect of your core strengths and values, personal vision, and the ways you interact and impact others. Your signature presence is a personal accountability to continued development, learning from feedback, and a distinctive presence in self-awareness. 

""Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
-Lao Tzu

What is Emotional Intelligence and EQ.i?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand and successfully manage emotions in oneself and others. It entails developing an awareness of our feelings and how they affect our actions and interactions with those around us. Emotional intelligence is one of the top 10 most in-demand skills by organizations worldwide according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 Future of Jobs report. 

The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 and 360 (EQ-i) is the world’s leading measure of emotional and social competency, applying decades of research to support effective human performance and development. The self-rated assessment tool provides deep insight in five interdependent competencies: Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision Making and Stress Management. The report also provides a detailed interpretation of how effectively you are using the 15 EQ competencies and how, by balancing these competencies, you can significantly improve your well-being, workplace and leadership performance, interpersonal relationships and communication.

Development Coaching:
Emotional Intelligence, EQ.i, and Signature Presence

A personalized process involves working closely with a development coach to identify goals, development strategies, and an objective sounding board that provides you a safe space for practice and reflection on new skills gained from deep introspect and self-reflection. Utilizing the emotional intelligence EQ.i measurement serves as a framework to readily identify areas of interest, improvement, and leverage strengths.

To facilitate this, development coaching engages in weekly or bi-weekly individual sessions and offers ongoing E-mail support. During these sessions you are encouraged to focus on topics such as self-awareness, communication, habitual patterns, and other skills that support you goal and broadens opportunities through practice and objective feedback. 

A broadened Emotional Intelligence amplifies your Signature Presence. Benefit whether you work in sales, outreach and engagement, are a community leader, a business owner, philanthropist, or provide direct support services to others. Anyone that interacts with anyone else can make an impact!

Want to get started?

Here are 3 key areas as you explore coaching options and the ways we can work together.

  1. Self-awareness and reflection: Maintain reflection of personal and external resources to leverage assets and strengths.
  2. Feedback: Inquire with curiosity for honest and direct feedback from friends, family and coworkers. 
  3. Continued learning: Be inspired by someone in your field, grab a book on the topic and set into practice new knowledge.

If you really want to get going...

Emotional intelligence is one of the top 10 most in-demand skills by organizations worldwide according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 Future of Jobs report. Improve organizational resilience, talent retention, leadership and job satisfaction with EI. And create an environment where teams thrive by encouraging safe risk-taking & self-expression.

  • Included is a self-assessment test, a report copy of your results, and..
  • A 90-min in-depth debrief and goal setting coaching session.

 EQi 2.0 Workplace Report – The EQ-i 2.0 provides a detailed assessment of areas of strength and potential areas for development. Each assessment comes with a comprehensive report describing how an individual’s emotional quotient (EQ) competencies work together and also provides suggested strategies for bringing EQ competencies into balance for greater effectiveness. All in all, this comprehensive assessment is widely regarded as the gold standard of emotional assessment testing.  $245

EQi 2.0 Leadership Report – Reflects results where top leaders are on each EI scale so you have a comparison against mid-level managers and C-suite leaders to create a benchmark of excellence. Discover and measure the dimensions of Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation leadership.  $300

Follow-up with 60-min coaching sessions to fine-tune approach (paid separately)

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